USA: American Diplomatic Missions in Germany - German Agencies in USA - Consulate, Consulats, Embassy, Info, Forms, Visum, Visa, Travel, Visit, Telephone Directory, Yellow Pages

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More Informations

American Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in USA

Agencies of this country in Germany:
Consulate GeneralDüsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, München

German agencies in this Country:
German EmbassyWashington
German Vice ConsulateAtlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco
German Honorary ConsulateAlbuquerque, Anchorage, Birmingham, Bufallo, Charlotte, Charleston, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Denver, Des Moines, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jackson, Las Vegas, Leawood, Louisville, Michigan, Minneapolis, Nashville, New Haven, New Orleans, Norfolk, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland/Neuengland, Puerto Rico, Raleigh, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Scottsdale, Seattle, St Louis, Tampa

Other Information:
CommunitiesAlexandria, Washington 
Ministry of Foreign AffairsInternet 
Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Internet, Internet 
Study in usa InfoInternet

Embassy USA, Berlin

Embassy USA, Berlin
Address / Info
Botschaft Vereinigte Staaten, Pariser Platz 2, 10117 Berlin

Telephone (Embassy USA, Berlin)
(030) 8 30 50

Fax (Embassy USA, Berlin)
(030) 8305 1050



Information about the Embassy USA in Berlin
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Konsularbezirk: Bundesgebiet. Öffnungszeiten Mo-Fr 8.30-17.30 Uhr. Leiterin: I.E. Frau Amy Gutmann (außerordentliche und bevollmächtigte Botschafterin)

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Berlin
Botschaften in Berlin
Konsulate in Berlin

Consulate General USA, Düsseldorf

Consulate General USA, Düsseldorf
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat Vereinigte Staaten, Willi-Becker-Allee 10, 40227 Düsseldorf

Telephone (Consulate General USA, Düsseldorf)
0211 / 78 88 927

Fax (Consulate General USA, Düsseldorf)
0211 / 78 88 938

Information about the consulate USA in Düsseldorf
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Keine Visadienste, keine Konsularischen Dienste (Visa Services und American Citizen Services werden vom zuständigen US-Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt am Main wahrgenommen). Leiterin: Frau Preeti V. Shah (Generalkonsulin)

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Düsseldorf
Botschaften in Düsseldorf
Konsulate in Düsseldorf

Consulate General USA, Frankfurt

Consulate General USA, Frankfurt
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat Vereinigte Staaten, Gießener Str. 30, 60435 Frankfurt am Main

Telephone (Consulate General USA, Frankfurt)
(0 69) 7 53 50

Fax (Consulate General USA, Frankfurt)
0 69-75 35 2277

Information about the consulate USA in Frankfurt
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Sprechzeit: Mo-Fr 8-11, (Zollangelegenheiten, Liaisonaufgaben in Polizeiangelegenheiten, Einwanderungs- und Einbürgerungsangelegenheiten, Luftsicherheitsangelegenheiten, Beschaffungen, Finanz- und Steuerangelegenheiten, Handelsförderung, Politische, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit), Konsularbezirke: Länder Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. Leiter: Herr Brian G. Heath (Generalkonsul)

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Frankfurt
Botschaften in Frankfurt
Konsulate in Frankfurt

Consulate General USA, Hamburg

Consulate General USA, Hamburg
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat Vereinigte Staaten, Kehrwieder 8, 20457 Hamburg

Telephone (Consulate General USA, Hamburg)
(0 40) 411 711 00

Fax (Consulate General USA, Hamburg)
0 40-4117 1222



Information about the consulate USA in Hamburg
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Keine Visabetreuung! Konsularbezirk: Länder Hamburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein. Leiter: Herr Jason Chue (Generalkonsul)

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Hamburg
Botschaften in Hamburg
Konsulate in Hamburg

Consulate General USA, Leipzig

Consulate General USA, Leipzig
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat Vereinigte Staaten, Wilhelm Seyfferth-Straße 4, 04107 Leipzig

Telephone (Consulate General USA, Leipzig)
(03 41) 2 13 84 0

Fax (Consulate General USA, Leipzig)
03 41-2 13 84 75


Information about the consulate USA in Leipzig
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr John Reid Crosby (Generalkonsul). Sprechzeiten: Nach Vereinbarung, Konsularbezirk: Länder Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen.

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Leipzig
Botschaften in Leipzig
Konsulate in Leipzig

Consulate General USA, München

Consulate General USA, München
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat Vereinigte Staaten, Königinstraße 5, 80539 München

Telephone (Consulate General USA, München)
(0 89) 2 88 80

Fax (Consulate General USA, München)
0 89-280 99 98


Information about the consulate USA in München
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr James N. Miller (Generalkonsul). Sprechzeit: Mo-Fr 13-16 Uhr, Konsularbezirk: Land Bayern.

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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in München
Botschaften in München
Konsulate in München

German Embassy, Washington

German Embassy, Washington
Address / Info
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,4645 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, D.C. 20007. USA

Telephone (German Embassy, Washington)
(001 202) 298 4000

Fax (German Embassy, Washington)
(001 202) 298 42 61



Information about the german Embassy in Washington
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Konsularischer Amtsbezirk: District of Columbia, Staaten Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia. Leiter: Andreas Michaelis (außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter))

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Botschaften in Washington
Konsulate in Washington

German Vice Consulate, Atlanta

German Vice Consulate, Atlanta
Address / Info
Marquis Two Tower - Suite 901, 285 Peachtree Center Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303-1221. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Marquis Two Tower - Suite 901, 285 Peachtree Center), Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303-1221, USA.

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Atlanta)
(001 404) 905 00 00

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Atlanta)
(001 404) 905 00 55


Information about the german Consulate in Atlanta
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee. Leiterin: Melanie Moltmann (Generalkonsulin)

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Botschaften in Atlanta
Konsulate in Atlanta

German Vice Consulate, Boston

German Vice Consulate, Boston
Address / Info
Three Copley Place, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02116. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Three Copley Place, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02116, USA.)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Boston)
(001 617) 369 49 00 (Ansage)

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Boston)
(001 617) 369 49 40


Information about the german Consulate in Boston
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten Connecticut (mit Ausnahme des Fairfield County), Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode. Leiterin: Sonja Kreibich (Generalkonsulin)

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Botschaften in Boston
Konsulate in Boston

German Vice Consulate, Chicago

German Vice Consulate, Chicago
Address / Info
676 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60611. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 676 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60611,)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Chicago)
(001 312) 202 04 80

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Chicago)
(001 312) 477 7144


Information about the german Consulate in Chicago
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin. Leiter: Herr Wolfgang Mössinger (Generalkonsul)

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Botschaften in Chicago
Konsulate in Chicago

German Vice Consulate, Houston

German Vice Consulate, Houston
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1330 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1850, Houston, TX 77056-3018. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1330 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1850, Houston, TX 77056-3057)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Houston)
(001 713) 627 77 70

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Houston)
(0049 30) 1817 672 21



Information about the german Consulate in Houston
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. Leiter: Kai Hennig (Generalkonsul)

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Botschaften in Houston
Konsulate in Houston

German Vice Consulate, Los Angeles

German Vice Consulate, Los Angeles
Address / Info
6222 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite No. 500, Los Angeles, CA 90048. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 6222 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite No. 500, Los Angeles, CA)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Los Angeles)
(001 323) 930 2703

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Los Angeles)
(001 323) 930 28 05


Information about the german Consulate in Los Angeles
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Counties Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara und Ventura des Staates California sowie die Staaten Arizona, Colorado, Nevada und Utah. Leiter: Stefan Schneider (Generalkonsul)

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German Vice Consulate, Miami

German Vice Consulate, Miami
Address / Info
Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 100 N. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2200, Miami, FL 33132. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 100 N. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132-2381, USA.)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Miami)
(001 305) 358 02 90.

Fax (German Vice Consulate, Miami)
(001 305) 358 03 07, RK-Referat, Pass- sowie Visastelle: (001 305) 373 95 91


Information about the german Consulate in Miami
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staat Florida sowie Puerto Rico und die Amerikanischen Jungferninseln.

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Botschaften in Miami
Konsulate in Miami

German Vice Consulate, New York

German Vice Consulate, New York
Address / Info
871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, New York)
(001 212) 610-9700


Information about the german Consulate in New York
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten New York, New Jersey und Pennsylvania sowie Fairfield County des Staates Connecticut, Bermuda. Leiter: David Gill (Generalkonsul)

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German Vice Consulate, San Francisco

German Vice Consulate, San Francisco
Address / Info
San Francisco, 1960 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA.)

Telephone (German Vice Consulate, San Francisco)
(001 415) 353 03 80

Fax (German Vice Consulate, San Francisco)
(001 415) 353 03 40


Information about the german Consulate in San Francisco
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Staaten Alaska, California (mit Ausnahme der Counties Imperial , Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara und Ventura), Hawaii, Idaho, Montana,Oregon, Washington, Wyoming sowie Baker-, Howland-, Jarvis-, Johnstoninsel, Midway und Palmyrainsel. Der Leiter der Vertretung ist zugleich in Amerikanisch-Samoa als Generalkonsul angemeldet. Leiter: Oliver Schramm(Generalkonsul)

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German Honorary Consulate, Albuquerque

German Honorary Consulate, Albuquerque
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 625 Silver Avenue SW, Suite 185, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Albuquerque)
(001 505) 259 2377


Information about the german Consulate in Albuquerque
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat New Mexico. Leiter: Robert Alan Perls (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Albuquerque
Konsulate in Albuquerque

German Honorary Consulate, Anchorage

German Honorary Consulate, Anchorage
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2100 Boniface Parkway, Anchorage, AK 99504, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Anchorage)
(001 907) 337 99 15

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Anchorage)
(001 907) 522 81 73


Information about the german Consulate in Anchorage
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Alaska. Leiter: Larry Alan „Beau“ Disbrow (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Anchorage
Konsulate in Anchorage

German Honorary Consulate, Birmingham

German Honorary Consulate, Birmingham
Address / Info
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC, 1400 Wells Fargo Tower, 420 20th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Birmingham)
(001 205) 250 83 35

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Birmingham)
(001 205) 488 37 35


Information about the german Consulate in Birmingham
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr Michael Hugh Johnson (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Alabama

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Botschaften in Birmingham
Konsulate in Birmingham

German Honorary Consulate, Bufallo

German Honorary Consulate, Bufallo
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Pratt Collard Advisory Partners, LLC, 120 West Tupper Street, Suite 205, Buffalo, New York, 14201, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Bufallo)
(001 716) 948 12 15

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Bufallo)
(001 716) 259 82 69


Information about the german Consulate in Bufallo
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Counties des Staates New York: Niagara, Orleans, Erie, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus und Allegany. Leiter: Matthew Collard (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Bufallo
Konsulate in Bufallo

German Honorary Consulate, Charlotte

German Honorary Consulate, Charlotte
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 112 South Tryon Street, Suite 1500, Charlotte, NC 28284, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Charlotte)
(001 704) 333 52 20

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Charlotte)
(001 704) 333 52 35


Information about the german Consulate in Charlotte
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: North Carolina. Leiter: Reinhard von Hennigs (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Charlotte
Konsulate in Charlotte

German Honorary Consulate, Charleston

German Honorary Consulate, Charleston
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 850 Morrison Drive, Suite 400, Charleston, SC 29403, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Charleston)
(001 843) 727 63 30


Information about the german Consulate in Charleston
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Georgia counties - Chatham (Savannah), Effingham, Bryan, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Glynn, Wayne, Camden. South Carolina counties - Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, Charleston, Dorchester, Berkeley, Georgetown und Horry. Leiterin: Elizabeth Gibbes (Honorarkonsulin)

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German Honorary Consulate, Cincinnati

German Honorary Consulate, Cincinnati
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Scripps Center, 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1600, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (Postanschrift: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Scripps Center, 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1600, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA)

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Cincinnati)
(001 513) 762 76 33

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Cincinnati)
(001 513) 312 202 04 66


Information about the german Consulate in Cincinnati
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Counties Adams, Athens, Auglaize, Brown, Butler, Champaign, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Fairfield, Fayette, Gallia, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Hocking, Kackson, Lawrence, Logan, Madison, Meigs, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Pickawa, Pike, Preble, Ross, Scioto, Shleby, Union, Vinton und Warren Bundesstaates Ohio. Leiter: Herr Martin Wilhelmy (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Cincinnati
Konsulate in Cincinnati

German Honorary Consulate, Cleveland

German Honorary Consulate, Cleveland
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 15528 Lakeshore Drive Burton, OH 44021, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Cleveland)
(001 216) 696 70 78

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Cleveland)
(001 216) 623 01 34


Information about the german Consulate in Cleveland
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Counties Allen, Ashland, Ashtabula, Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Coshocton, Crawford, Cuyahoga, Defiance, Delaware, Erie, Franklin, Fulton, Geauga, Giernsey, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Holmes, Huron, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Lucas, Mahoning, Marion, Medina, Morgan, Monroe, Morrow, Muskingum, Noble, Ottawa, Paulding, Perry, Putnam, Portage, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Summit, Stark, Tuscarawas, Trumbull, Van Wert, Wayne, Washington, Williams, Wood und Wyandot des Bundesstaates Ohio.

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Botschaften in Cleveland
Konsulate in Cleveland

German Honorary Consulate, Columbus

German Honorary Consulate, Columbus
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 41 S High St, Suites 2800-3200, Columbus, OH 43215, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Columbus)
(001 614) 227 2118


Information about the german Consulate in Columbus
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Konsularbezirk: Counties Allen, Athens, Auglaize, Belmont, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Guernsey, Hardin, Harrison, Hocking, Holmes, Jefferson, Knox, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Mercer, Monroe, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, Pickaway, Shelby, Tuscarawas, Union, Washington. Leiterin: Frau Katja Elisa Garvey (Honorarkonsulin)

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German Honorary Consulate, Denver

German Honorary Consulate, Denver
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 4100 E Mississippi Avenue, Suite 410, Denver CO 80246, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Denver)
(001 720) 381 13 19


Information about the german Consulate in Denver
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaaten Colorado und Wyoming. Leiter: Herr Chadwick Vernon Ray Williams (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Denver
Konsulate in Denver

German Honorary Consulate, Des Moines

German Honorary Consulate, Des Moines
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 217 49th Street, Des Moines, IA 50312, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Des Moines)
(001 312) 218 0279


Information about the german Consulate in Des Moines
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Konsularbezirk: Bundesstaat Iowa, Leiter: Herr Edward James Kempf (Honorarkonsul)

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German Honorary Consulate, Honolulu

German Honorary Consulate, Honolulu
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 3919 Sierra Drive, Honolulu, HI 96816, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Honolulu)
(001 808) 377 46 06


Information about the german Consulate in Honolulu
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Hawai. Leiter: Herr Denis Salle (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Honolulu
Konsulate in Honolulu

German Honorary Consulate, Indianapolis

German Honorary Consulate, Indianapolis
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany), 1525 North Ritter Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Indianapolis)
(001 317) 3595 467

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Indianapolis)
(001 317) 3224 095


Information about the german Consulate in Indianapolis
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Indiana. Leiter: Herr Sven Schumacher (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Indianapolis
Konsulate in Indianapolis

German Honorary Consulate, Jackson

German Honorary Consulate, Jackson
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 400 East Capitol, Jackson, MS 39201. (Postanschrift: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 400 East Capitol, Jackson, MS 39201, USA.)

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Jackson)
(001 601) 965 1880

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Jackson)
(001 601) 965 1901


Information about the german Consulate in Jackson
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Mississippi. Leiter: Peyton D. Prospere (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Jackson
Konsulate in Jackson

German Honorary Consulate, Las Vegas

German Honorary Consulate, Las Vegas
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1100 East Bridger Avenue, Suite One, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Las Vegas)
(001 702) 609 94 99


Information about the german Consulate in Las Vegas
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr Ryan Michael Lower (Honorarkonsul). Konsularbezirk: Bundesstaat Nevada

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German Honorary Consulate, Leawood

German Honorary Consulate, Leawood
Address / Info
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 8014 State Line, # 203 Leawood, KS 66208, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Leawood)
(001 913) 6 42 51 34

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Leawood)
(001 913) 6 42 53 48


Information about the german Consulate in Leawood
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr Rolf Snyder (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirke: Bundesstaat Kansas, die Counties Jackson (Kansas City, Missouri), Clay, Cass, Platte sowie Buchanan des Bundesstaates Missouri.

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Botschaften in Leawood
Konsulate in Leawood

German Honorary Consulate, Louisville

German Honorary Consulate, Louisville
Address / Info
Wyatt, Terrant & Coms, 500 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 2800, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-2898, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Louisville)
(001 502) 5627 296

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Louisville)
(001 502) 5890 309


Information about the german Consulate in Louisville
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Bundesstaat Kentucky. Honorarkonsul: Herr Mark Charles Blackwell

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Botschaften in Louisville
Konsulate in Louisville

German Honorary Consulate, Michigan

German Honorary Consulate, Michigan
Address / Info
Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Clark Hill PLC, 500 Woodward Avenue, Suite 3500 Detroit, MI 48226, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Michigan)
(001 313) 965 3431

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Michigan)
(001 313) 309 6907


Information about the german Consulate in Michigan
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Michigan

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Botschaften in Michigan
Konsulate in Michigan

German Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis

German Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Fredrikson & Byron P.A., 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis, MN 55402-1402, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis)
(001 612) 492 70 50

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis)
(001 612) 492 70 77


Information about the german Consulate in Minneapolis
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiterin: Barbara Müller (Honorarkonsulin). Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaaten Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, sowie die Counties Pierce, St. Croix und Polk des Bundesstaates Wisconsin.

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Botschaften in Minneapolis
Konsulate in Minneapolis

German Honorary Consulate, Nashville

German Honorary Consulate, Nashville
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, K&L Gates LLP 501 Commerce Street, Suite 1500, Nashville, TN 37203, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Nashville)
(001 615) 852 83 34


Information about the german Consulate in Nashville
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Tennessee. Leiter: Herr Christian-Andreas Schütz (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Nashville
Konsulate in Nashville

German Honorary Consulate, New Haven

German Honorary Consulate, New Haven
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 195 Church Street, 17th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, New Haven)
(001 212) 317 05 89


Information about the german Consulate in New Haven
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiterin: Janet Sadie Danisman (Honorarkonsulin). Amtsbezirk: US-Bundesstaaten Connecticut und Rhode Island

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German Honorary Consulate, New Orleans

German Honorary Consulate, New Orleans
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1700 Moss Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, New Orleans)
(001 504) 975 52 91


Information about the german Consulate in New Orleans
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiterin: Susanne Veters Cooper (Honorarkonsulin). Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Louisiana.

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German Honorary Consulate, Norfolk

German Honorary Consulate, Norfolk
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, McGuire Woods LLP, World Trade Center, 101 West Main Street, Suite 9000, Norfolk, VA 23510-1655, USA.

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Norfolk)
(001 757) 640 3837

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Norfolk)
(001 757) 640 3968


Information about the german Consulate in Norfolk
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: John D. Padgett (Honorarkonsul). Konsularbezirk: Counties oder Städte Accomack, Chesapeake (Norfolk), Gloucester, Hampton, Isle of Wight, James, Lancester, Mathews, Middlesex, Newport News, Northampton, Northumberland, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Southampton, Suffolk, Surry, Sussex, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, York des Staates Virginia.

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Konsulate in Norfolk

German Honorary Consulate, Oklahoma City

German Honorary Consulate, Oklahoma City
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Fuller, Tubb, Bickford & Krahl, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Suite 1000, Oaklahoma City, OK 73102. (Postanschrift: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Fuller, Tubb, Bickford & Krahl, 201 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Suite 1000, Oaklahoma City, OK 73102, USA.)

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Oklahoma City)
(001 405) 548 02 72

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Oklahoma City)
(001 405) 232 83 84


Information about the german Consulate in Oklahoma City
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: James J. Tubb (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Oklahoma.

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German Honorary Consulate, Omaha

German Honorary Consulate, Omaha
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, c/o Graepel North America Inc., 13220 Lynam Drive, Omaha, NE 68138, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Omaha)
(001 402) 215 41 95

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Omaha)
(001 402) 894 49 52


Information about the german Consulate in Omaha
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Herr Mark Rudolf Zumdohme (Honorarkonsul). Konsularbezirk: US-Bundesstaat Nebraska

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German Honorary Consulate, Orlando

German Honorary Consulate, Orlando
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Brennan Manna & Diamond, P.L. 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 700, Orlando FL 32801, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Orlando)
(001 407) 573 61 10


Information about the german Consulate in Orlando
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Counties Brevard, Highlands, Indian River, Lake, Marion, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, St. Lucie, Seminole, Sumter, Volusia, Flagler, Alachua, Nassau, Clay und Putnam des Bundesstaates Florida

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Botschaften in Orlando
Konsulate in Orlando

German Honorary Consulate, Philadelphia

German Honorary Consulate, Philadelphia
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Cambridge Innovation Center, 3675 Market Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Philadelphia)
(001 215) 948 81 21


Information about the german Consulate in Philadelphia
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Counties Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery und Bucks des Bundesstaates Pennsylvania sowie Counties Mercer, Burlington, Camden und Gloucester des Bundesstaates New Jersey. Leiter: Ralf D. Wiedemann (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Philadelphia
Konsulate in Philadelphia

German Honorary Consulate, Pittsburgh

German Honorary Consulate, Pittsburgh
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, c/o Cohen & Grigsby, P. C., 625 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Pittsburgh)
(001 412) 2 97 46 94

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Pittsburgh)
(001 412) 2 09 06 72


Information about the german Consulate in Pittsburgh
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: County Allegheny und Stadt Pittsburgh des Bundesstaates Pennsylvania. Übergeordnete Auslandsvertretung. Leiter: Paul I. Overby (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Pittsburgh
Konsulate in Pittsburgh

German Honorary Consulate, Portland/Neuengland

German Honorary Consulate, Portland/Neuengland
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Norman, Hanson & DeTroy, LLC Two Canal Plaza, Portland, ME 04101, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Portland/Neuengland)
(001 207) 553 46 56

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Portland/Neuengland)
(001 207) 775 0806


Information about the german Consulate in Portland/Neuengland
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Leiter: Dr. Adrian Kendall (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Portland/Neuengland
Konsulate in Portland/Neuengland

German Honorary Consulate, Puerto Rico

German Honorary Consulate, Puerto Rico
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Centro de Seguros, 701 Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 105, San Juan, PR 00907, Puerto Rico (Postanschrift: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, PO Box 13789, San Juan, PR 00908, San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Puerto Rico)
(001 787) 600 10 71

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Puerto Rico)
(001 787) 722 83 46


Information about the german Consulate in Puerto Rico
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Puerto Rico, Leiter: Herr Eric Johann Stubbe (Honorarkonsul)

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German Honorary Consulate, Raleigh

German Honorary Consulate, Raleigh
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, c/o Cary Academy, 1500 Harrison Ave. N, Cary, NC 27513, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Raleigh)
(001 919) 348 7822


Information about the german Consulate in Raleigh
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Caswell, Alamance, Chatham, Moore und Scotland County in North Carolina sowie alle östlich dieser Counties liegenden Gebiete von North Carolina. Leiterin: Dagmar Ann-Louise (Honorarkonsulin)

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Botschaften in Raleigh
Konsulate in Raleigh

German Honorary Consulate, Salt Lake City

German Honorary Consulate, Salt Lake City
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1900 Key Bank Tower, 36 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Salt Lake City)
(001 801) 350 76 08

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Salt Lake City)
(001 801) 212 21 38


Information about the german Consulate in Salt Lake City
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Utah. Leiter: James Burton

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German Honorary Consulate, San Diego

German Honorary Consulate, San Diego
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, c/o General Atomics, G14-101 3483 Dunhill Street, San Diego, CA 92121-1200, USA.)

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, San Diego)
(001 619) 272 69 12

Fax (German Honorary Consulate, San Diego)
(001 619) 744 74 63


Information about the german Consulate in San Diego
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Counties des Staates California: San Diego, Imperial

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German Honorary Consulate, Scottsdale

German Honorary Consulate, Scottsdale
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 14325 N 79th St., Suite C Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Scottsdale)
(001) 480 687 48 00


Information about the german Consulate in Scottsdale
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirk: Bundesstaat Arizona. Leiterin: Carolin Gey (Honorarkonsulin).

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Botschaften in Scottsdale
Konsulate in Scottsdale

German Honorary Consulate, Seattle

German Honorary Consulate, Seattle
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 4701 S.W. Admiral Way #130, Seattle, WA 98116, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Seattle)
(001 206) 569 82 70


Information about the german Consulate in Seattle
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Bundesstaaten Washington und Montana. Leiter: Ulrich Fischer (Honorarkonsul).

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Botschaften in Seattle
Konsulate in Seattle

German Honorary Consulate, St Louis

German Honorary Consulate, St Louis
Address / Info
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 8 Eagle Center, Suite 5 O’Fallon, Illinois 62269 USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, St Louis)
(001 314) 498 86 11


Information about the german Consulate in St Louis
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Bundesstaat Missouri ausschließlich der Counties Buchanan, Cass, Clay, Jackson und Platte sowie East St. Louis und County St. Clair des Bundesstaates Illinois

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German Honorary Consulate, Tampa

German Honorary Consulate, Tampa
Address / Info
Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, 101 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 3700 Tampa, Florida 33606, USA

Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Tampa)
(001 727) 338 40 59


Information about the german Consulate in Tampa
Information with Offices times are without Warranty!
Amtsbezirke: Counties Charlotte, Citrus, Collier, De Soto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk und Sarasota des Bundesstaates Florida. Leiter: Herr Roland Sydney Chase (Honorarkonsul)

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Botschaften in Tampa
Konsulate in Tampa

Ministry of Foreign Affairs USA, Internet

Ministry of Foreign Affairs USA, Internet
Address / Info
US Department of State


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Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in USA, Internet

Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in USA, Internet



Onlinehilfe für die Beantragung von Visa und Greencard für die USA

Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in USA, Internet

Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in USA, Internet
Address / Info
Teach Abroad - Jobs in the United States


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Communities USA, Alexandria

Communities USA, Alexandria
Address / Info
American Chamber of Commerce Executives


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Botschaften in Alexandria
Konsulate in Alexandria

Communities USA, Washington

Communities USA, Washington
Address / Info
The United States Chamber of Commerce


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Botschaften in Washington
Konsulate in Washington

Study in usa Info, Internet

Study in usa Info, Internet
Address / Info
Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in den vereinigten Staaten von Amerika


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More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more):
Embassy Uganda
Embassy / Missions of Uganda in Berlin, Hamburg, Mainz, München, Kampala
Embassy Ukraine
Embassy / Missions of Ukraine in Kiew, Bern, Conches, Donezk, Kharkiv, Lemberg, Wien, Klagenfurt, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Bochum, Lwiw
Embassy United Arab Emirates
Embassy / Missions of United Arab Emirates in Berlin, München, Abu dhabi, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah
Embassy United Kingdom
Embassy / Missions of United Kingdom in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München, Bremen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, London, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Cleveland, Ipswich, Kent, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Orkney, Plymouth, Shetland, Southampton, St. Helier
Embassy Uruquay
Embassy / Missions of Uruquay in Montevideo, Bern, Wien, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, München, Potsdam, Rostock, Stuttgart
Embassy Uzbekistan
Embassy / Missions of Uzbekistan in Berlin, Frankfurt, Bremen, Taschkent


More Information:
Embassy USA, Berlin more
Consulate General USA, Düsseldorf more
Consulate General USA, Frankfurt more
Consulate General USA, Hamburg more
Consulate General USA, Leipzig more
Consulate General USA, München more
German Vice Consulate, Atlanta more
German Vice Consulate, Boston more
German Vice Consulate, Chicago more
German Vice Consulate, Houston more
German Vice Consulate, Los Angeles more
German Vice Consulate, Miami more
German Vice Consulate, New York more
German Vice Consulate, San Francisco more
German Honorary Consulate, Albuquerque more
German Honorary Consulate, Anchorage more
German Honorary Consulate, Birmingham more
German Honorary Consulate, Bufallo more
German Honorary Consulate, Charlotte more
German Honorary Consulate, Cincinnati more
German Honorary Consulate, Cleveland more
German Honorary Consulate, Denver more
German Honorary Consulate, Honolulu more
German Honorary Consulate, Indianapolis more
German Honorary Consulate, Jackson more
German Honorary Consulate, Las Vegas more
German Honorary Consulate, Leawood more
German Honorary Consulate, Louisville more
German Honorary Consulate, Michigan more
German Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis more
German Honorary Consulate, Nashville more
German Honorary Consulate, New Haven more
German Honorary Consulate, New Orleans more
German Honorary Consulate, Norfolk more
German Honorary Consulate, Oklahoma City more
German Honorary Consulate, Orlando more
German Honorary Consulate, Philadelphia more
German Honorary Consulate, Pittsburgh more
German Honorary Consulate, Portland/Neuengland more
German Honorary Consulate, Puerto Rico more
German Honorary Consulate, Raleigh more
German Honorary Consulate, Salt Lake City more
German Honorary Consulate, San Diego more
German Honorary Consulate, Scottsdale more
German Honorary Consulate, Seattle more
German Honorary Consulate, St Louis more
German Honorary Consulate, Tampa more

Info: Visa USA, Consulates USA, Embassies USA, Discussion Board USA.


Weitere Interessante Webseiten: - Service-Portal der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Auswärtiges Amt - Webseite des Deutschen Wetterdienstes

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