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| NewZealand (Neuseeland)
Region Oceana/Ozeanien - Last changes in Database: 01 March 2025 Offical Name: Aotearoa (New Zealand)
 Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students.
More Informations
Info Newzealand Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in NewZealand
Agencies of this country in Germany:
Embassy: Berlin
German agencies in this Country: German Embassy: Wellington German Honorary Consulate: Christchurch, Auckland
Newzealand agencies in Austria: Embassy: Wien
Austrian agencies in NewZealand: Austrian Honorary Consulate: Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington,
Newzealand agencies in Switzerland: Consulate General: Genf
Swiss agencies in NewZealand: Swiss Embassy: Wellington Swiss Consulate: Auckland
Other Information: Tourist office: Internet Communities: Auckland, Wellington Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Internet Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in : Internet, Internet Immigration to newzealand Info: Internet, Internet Study in newzealand Info: Internet Newspapers in newzealand Info: Internet
German Embassy, Wellington | German Embassy, Wellington Address / Info Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 90-92 Hobson Street, Thorndon, Wellington. (Postanschrift: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 1687, Wellington 6140, Neuseeland.) Telephone (German Embassy, Wellington) (0064 4) 473 60 63
Email info@wellington.diplo.de
Website www.wellington.diplo.de
Information about the german Embassy in Wellington Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Neuseeland, Tokelau, Cookinseln, Niue, Fidschi, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu und das britische Überseegebiet Pitcairn. Der Leiter der Vertretung ist zugleich als Botschafter in Tonga, Samoa, Fidschi, Kiribati und Tuvalu sowie für die Cookinseln mit Sitz in Wellington akkreditiert. Leitung: Frau Nicole Menzenbach, Botschafterin
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Botschaften in Wellington Konsulate in Wellington
German Honorary Consulate, Christchurch | German Honorary Consulate, Christchurch Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Germany School of Law, University of Canterbury, University Drive Ilam, Christchurch 8041, Neuseeland.) Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Christchurch) (0064 3) 369 3473
Email christchurch@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Christchurch Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Dr. Christian Riffel (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Nelson-Marlborough, Canterbury, West Coast, Otago, Southland.
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Botschaften in Christchurch Konsulate in Christchurch
German Honorary Consulate, Auckland | German Honorary Consulate, Auckland Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, HSBC Tower, Level 13, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010. (Postanschrift: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, HSBC Tower, Level 13, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, Neuseeland.) Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Auckland) (0064 9) 3758 718
Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Auckland) (0064 9) 365 52 09
Email auckland@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Auckland Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Honorarkonsul: Herr Erich Bachmann. Amtsbezirke: Nord- und Süd-Auckland. Die übergeordnete Auslandsvertretung ist die deutsche Botschaft in Wellington
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Botschaften in Auckland Konsulate in Auckland
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Neuseeland, Internet | Ministry of Foreign Affairs Neuseeland, Internet Address / Info Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website www.mfat.govt.nz
Information -
Embassy Neuseeland, Wien, Österreich | Embassy Neuseeland, Wien, Österreich Address / Info Botschaft von Neuseeland, The ICON Vienna, Tower 24, Level 15.02, Wiedner Gürtel 13 , 1100 Wien, Österreich / Austria Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy Neuseeland, Wien, Österreich) (+43 / 1) 505 3021
Fax (Embassy Neuseeland, Wien, Österreich) (+43 / 1) 505 3020
Email vienna@mfat.net
Website www.mfat.govt.nz/en/countries-...
Information about the Embassy NewZealand in Wien Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Republik Österreich. Öffnungszeiten Mo-Fr 9-16 Uhr
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Botschaften in Wien Konsulate in Wien
Consulate General Neuseeland, Genf, Schweiz | Consulate General Neuseeland, Genf, Schweiz Address / Info Generalkonsulat Neuseeland, Consulat général de Nouvelle-Zélande, Chemin des Fins 2, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Schweiz / Switzerland Kurzinfo Telephone (Consulate General Neuseeland, Genf, Schweiz) (+41) (0) 22 929 0350
Fax (Consulate General Neuseeland, Genf, Schweiz) (+41) (0) 22 929 0377
Email mission.nz@bluewin.ch
Information about the Consulate NewZealand in Genf -
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Botschaften in Genf Konsulate in Genf
Austrian Honorary Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland | Austrian Honorary Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland Address / Info Honorarkonsulat Österreich, 22a William Pickering Drive, Rosedale, 0632 Auckland, Neuseeland Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland) (+64/9) 476 0994
Email austrianconsulate_auckland@xtra.co.nz
Information about the austrian Consulate in Auckland Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Konsularbezirke: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty. Mit Passbefugnis, Visabefugnis, Öffnungszeiten Mo-Do 10-12 Uhr. Sprechzeiten auch nach telefonischer Vereinbarung.
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Botschaften in Auckland Konsulate in Auckland
Austrian Honorary Consulate in Christchurch - Neuseeland | Austrian Honorary Consulate in Christchurch - Neuseeland Address / Info Honorarkonsulat Österreich, 257 Lyttelton Street, Spreydon, Christchurch 8024, Neuseeland Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Christchurch - Neuseeland) Telefon: (+64/3) 3513 579
Email christchurch@austria.org.nz
Information about the austrian Consulate in Christchurch Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung! Konsularbezirke: Tasman, West Coast, Canterbury, Otago, Southland, Offshore Islands.
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Botschaften in Christchurch Konsulate in Christchurch
Austrian Honorary Consulate in Wellington - Neuseeland | Austrian Honorary Consulate in Wellington - Neuseeland Address / Info Honorarkonsulat Österreich, 75 Ghuznee Street, 6011 Wellington, Neuseeland (Postanschrift: PO Box 24477, Wellington) Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Wellington - Neuseeland) (+64/3) 540 3000
Fax (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Wellington - Neuseeland) (+64/8) 003 333 22
Email wellington@austria.org.nz
Information about the austrian Consulate in Wellington Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Konsularbezirke: Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui, Wellington, Marlborough, Nelson. Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung.
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Botschaften in Wellington Konsulate in Wellington
Swiss Embassy in Wellington - Neuseeland | Swiss Embassy in Wellington - Neuseeland Address / Info Botschaft der Schweiz, Embassy of Switzerland, Maritime Tower 10, Customhouse Quay, Level 12, Wellington, New Zealand (Postanschrift: Embassy of Switzerland, P.O. Box 25004, Wellington 6146, New Zealand) Kurzinfo Telephone (Swiss Embassy in Wellington - Neuseeland) (0064 4) 472 1593
Fax (Swiss Embassy in Wellington - Neuseeland) (0064 4) 499 6302
Email wellington@eda.admin.ch
Website www.eda.admin.ch/wellington
Information about the swiss Embassy in Wellington Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Konsularbezirke: New Zealand (including Ross Dependency and Tokelau), Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, American Samoa and Niue.
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Botschaften in Wellington Konsulate in Wellington
Swiss Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland | Swiss Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland Address / Info Konsulat der Schweiz, Consulate of Switzerland, 6 Hawkens Road, Ahuroa, Warkworth 0981, New Zealand Kurzinfo Telephone (Swiss Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland) (0064) 204 006 1778
Email auckland@honrep.ch
Information about the swiss Consulate in NewZealand -
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Botschaften in Auckland Konsulate in Auckland
Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Neuseeland, Internet | Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Neuseeland, Internet Address / Info Employment Website Website www.seek.co.nz
Information -
Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Neuseeland, Internet | Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Neuseeland, Internet Address / Info New Zealand's Leading Job, Career and Employment Website Website www.nzjobs.co.nz
Information -
Tourist office Neuseeland, Internet | Tourist office Neuseeland, Internet Address / Info Official Tourism & Business Site NZ Website www.newzealand.com
Information -
Immigration to newzealand Info, Internet | Immigration to newzealand Info, Internet Address / Info New Zealand Immigration Service - Department of Labour Website www.immigration.govt.nz
Information -
Immigration to newzealand Info, Internet | Immigration to newzealand Info, Internet Address / Info Immigration to Newzealand, Informations from workpermit.com Website www.workpermit.com/new_zealand...
Information -
Study in newzealand Info, Internet | Study in newzealand Info, Internet Address / Info Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in Neuseeland Website www.studyabroad.com/new-zealan...
Information -
Newspapers in newzealand Info, Internet | Newspapers in newzealand Info, Internet Address / Info Umfangreiche englischsprachige Webseite zum Thema Zeitungen in Neuseeland Website www.worldpress.org/newspapers/...
Information -
More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more): Embassy Namibia Embassy / Missions of Namibia in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Trossingen, Windhoek Embassy Nepal Embassy / Missions of Nepal in Berlin, Stuttgart, München, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln, Kathmandu Embassy Netherlands Embassy / Missions of Netherlands in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Aachen, Bremen, Dresden, Emden, Hannover, Kleve, Koblenz, Köln, Münster, Nürnberg, Osnabrück, Schacht-Audorf, Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Arnhem, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Kamperland, Leeuwaarden, Maastrich, Oranjestad, Rotterdam, Willemstad, Woerden Embassy Nicaragua Embassy / Missions of Nicaragua in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Potsdam, Managua Embassy Niger Embassy / Missions of Niger in Berlin, Eckernförde, Hamburg, Mannheim, München, Niamey Embassy Nigeria Embassy / Missions of Nigeria in Berlin, Lagos, Abuja Embassy Norway Embassy / Missions of Norway in Bern, Genf, Zürich, Locarno, Wien, Graz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Bregenz, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Leipzig, Bremen, Frankfurt, Hannover, Kiel, Lübeck, München, Rostock, Stuttgart, Oslo, Ålesund, Bergen, Bodø, Haugesund, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Svolvaer, Tromsø, Trondheim
More Information: Embassy Neuseeland, Wien, Österreich more Austrian Honorary Consulate in Auckland - Neuseeland more Austrian Honorary Consulate in Christchurch - Neuseeland more Austrian Honorary Consulate in Wellington - Neuseeland more Consulate General Neuseeland, Genf, Schweiz more Swiss Embassy in Wellington - Neuseeland more Embassy Neuseeland, Berlin more German Honorary Consulate, Christchurch more German Honorary Consulate, Auckland more
Info: Visa Neuseeland, Consulates Neuseeland, Embassies Neuseeland, Discussion Board Neuseeland.
Weitere Interessante Webseiten:
arbeitsagentur.de - Service-Portal der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Auswärtiges Amt
dwd.de - Webseite des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
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