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| Kenya (Kenia) Region Africa/Afrika - Last changes in Database: 16 February 2025 Offical Name: Jamhuri ya Kenya (Republic of Kenya)
 Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students.
More Informations
Info Kenyan Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in Kenya
Agencies of this country in Germany:
Embassy: Berlin Honorary Consulate: Hamburg
German agencies in this Country: German Embassy: Nairobi German Honorary Consulate: Mombasa
Other Information: Tourist office: Internet Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in : Internet Study in kenya Info: Internet Newspapers in kenya Info: Internet
Honorary Consulate Kenia, Hamburg | Honorary Consulate Kenia, Hamburg Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Republik Kenia, Reinbeker Weg 10, 21465 Wentorf b. Hamburg Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Kenia, Hamburg) (040) 30 38 10 66
Fax (Honorary Consulate Kenia, Hamburg) (040) 69 66 60 75
Email breitengross-kappa@gmx.com
Information about the Consulate Kenya in Hamburg Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Dr. Jens Peter Breitengross (Honorarkonsul). Öffnungszeiten: Montag-Freitag 9:00-12:00 Uhr. Konsularbezirk: Länder Hamburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein.
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Hamburg Botschaften in Hamburg Konsulate in Hamburg
German Embassy, Nairobi | German Embassy, Nairobi Address / Info Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ludwig Krapf House, Riverside Drive 113, Nairobi. (Postanschrift: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 301 80, Nairobi, Kenia.) Telephone (German Embassy, Nairobi) (00254 20) 426 21 00
Fax (German Embassy, Nairobi) (00254 20) 426 21 29, (00254 20) 426 21 30
Email info@nairobi.diplo.de
Website www.nairobi.diplo.de
Information about the german Embassy in Nairobi Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Kenia sowie Seychellen und Somalia. Leiter: Sebastian Groth (außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter)
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Botschaften in Nairobi Konsulate in Nairobi
German Honorary Consulate, Mombasa | German Honorary Consulate, Mombasa Address / Info Honorarkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Diani Beach Shopping Centre, P. O. Box 5222-80401, Diani Beach, Kwale County, Kenia Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Mombasa) (00254 764) 764 200 300
Email mombasa@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Mombasa Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Counties Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Tana River und Taita Taveta, Leiter: Stefan Wentzel (Honorarkomsul)
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Botschaften in Mombasa Konsulate in Mombasa
Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Kenia, Internet | Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in Kenia, Internet Address / Info Jobs abroad for Kenya Website www.jobsabroad.com/Kenya.cfm
Information -
Tourist office Kenia, Internet | Tourist office Kenia, Internet Address / Info Official Kenya Destination Website, Tourist Board Website www.magicalkenya.com
Information -
Study in kenya Info, Internet | Study in kenya Info, Internet Address / Info Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in Kenia Website www.studyabroad.com/kenya.html
Information -
Newspapers in kenya Info, Internet | Newspapers in kenya Info, Internet Address / Info Umfangreiche englischsprachige Webseite zum Thema Zeitungen in Kenia Website www.worldpress.org/newspapers/...
Information -
More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more): Embassy Kazakhstan Embassy / Missions of Kazakhstan in Almaty, Bern, Zürich, Astana, Wien, St. Pölten, Graz, Bonn, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, München, Stuttgart Embassy Kiribati Embassy / Missions of Kiribati in Hamburg Embassy Northkorea Embassy / Missions of Northkorea in Berlin, Pyongyang Embassy Southkorea Embassy / Missions of Southkorea in Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart, Seoul, Busan Embassy Kuwait Embassy / Missions of Kuwait in Berlin, Safat Embassy Kyrgystan Embassy / Missions of Kyrgystan in Bonn, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Frankfurt, Bischkek
More Information: Embassy Kenia, Berlin more Honorary Consulate Kenia, Hamburg more German Honorary Consulate, Mombasa more
Info: Visa Kenia, Consulates Kenia, Embassies Kenia, Discussion Board Kenia.
Weitere Interessante Webseiten:
arbeitsagentur.de - Service-Portal der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Auswärtiges Amt
dwd.de - Webseite des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
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