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| Ecuador (Ecuador)
Region SouthAmerica/Suedamerika - Last changes in Database: 01 March 2025 Offical Name: República del Ecuador
 Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students.
More Informations
Info Ecuadorian Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in Ecuador
Agencies of this country in Germany:
Embassy: Berlin Consulate General: Hamburg Honorary Consulate: Bremen, Ludwigsburg, München, Stolberg
German agencies in this Country: German Embassy: Quito German Honorary Consulate: Guayaquil, Cuenca
Ecuadorian agencies in Austria: Embassy: Wien
Austrian agencies in Ecuador: Austrian Consulate General: Quito, Austrian Honorary Consulate: Guayaquil,
Ecuadorian agencies in Switzerland: Embassy: Bern
Swiss agencies in Ecuador: Swiss Embassy: Quito Swiss Consulate General: Guayaquil
Other Information: Tourist office: Internet Communities: Internet Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Internet Study in ecuador Info: Internet Newspapers in ecuador Info: Internet
Embassy Ecuador, Berlin | Embassy Ecuador, Berlin Address / Info Botschaft Ecuador, Joachimsthaler Str. 12, 10719 Berlin Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy Ecuador, Berlin) (030) 8009 695
Fax (Embassy Ecuador, Berlin) (030) 8009 696 99
Website www.cancilleria.gob.ec/alemani...
Information about the Embassy Ecuador in Berlin Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: S.E. Herr Diego Fernando Morejon Pazmino (außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter). Sprechzeit: Montag - Freitag 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr (Konsulat, telefonische Erreichbarkeit: Montag-Freitag 09.00-13.00 und 14.00-15.00 Uhr), Amtsbezirk: Bundesgebiet
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Berlin Botschaften in Berlin Konsulate in Berlin
Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Bremen | Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Bremen Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Republik Ecuador, Am Markt 1 (3. OG), 28195 Bremen Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Bremen) (0421) 41 655 688
Fax (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Bremen) (0421) 41 655 689
Information about the Consulate Ecuador in Bremen Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiterin: Frau Birgit Petra Severin (Honorarkonsulin). Konsularbezirk: Bremen und Niedersachsen. Öffnungszeiten nach Vereinbarung.
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Bremen Botschaften in Bremen Konsulate in Bremen
Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Ludwigsburg | Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Ludwigsburg Address / Info Honorarkonsulin der Republik Ecuador, Marktplatz 13, 71634 Ludwigsburg Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Ludwigsburg) (07141) 373 81 73
Email ecuador@honorarkonsul-bw.de
Information about the Consulate Ecuador in Ludwigsburg Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiterin: Frau Ingrid Hönlinger (Honorarkonsulin). Amtsbezirk: Land Baden-Württemberg. Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag und Freitag 8.00-12.00 Uhr
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Botschaften in Ludwigsburg Konsulate in Ludwigsburg
Honorary Consulate Ecuador, München | Honorary Consulate Ecuador, München Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Republik Ecuador, Siegfriedstraße 8, 80803 München Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, München) (01520) 766 2910
Fax (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, München) (0 89) 455 555 44
Email baviera@consulado-ecuador.com
Information about the Consulate Ecuador in München Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Sprechzeit: Mo, Mi und Fr 9.00-12.00 Uhr, nur nach Terminvereinbarung! Herr Wolfgang Tumulka, Honorarkonsul, Konsularbezirk: Land Bayern
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in München Botschaften in München Konsulate in München
Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Stolberg | Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Stolberg Address / Info Consulado Honorario del Ecuador, Steinfeldstr. 2, D-52222 Stolberg Telephone (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Stolberg) (02402) 127 47 07
Fax (Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Stolberg) (02402) 127 47 08
Email hkecuador@t-online.de
Information about the Consulate Ecuador in Stolberg Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Herr Michael Wirtz, Honorarkonsul, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. Sprechzeiten: Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag und Freitag 9.00-12.00 Uhr, Mittwochs 9.00-11.00 Uhr.
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Botschaften in Stolberg Konsulate in Stolberg
German Embassy, Quito | German Embassy, Quito Address / Info "Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Avenida Naciones Unidas y República de El Salvador, Edificio "Citiplaza", piso 12, Casilla 17-17-536, Quito. (Postanschrift: Embajada de la República Federal de Alemania, Avenida Naciones Unidas E10-44 y República de El Salvador, Edificio), "Citiplaza", piso 12, Casilla 17-17-536, Quito, Ecuador." Telephone (German Embassy, Quito) (00593 2) 297 08 20
Fax (German Embassy, Quito) (00593 2) 297 08 15, (00593 2) 297 08 16
Website www.quito.diplo.de
Information about the german Embassy in Quito Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Ecuador. Leiter: Jens Peter Lütkenherm (außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter)
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Botschaften in Quito Konsulate in Quito
German Honorary Consulate, Guayaquil | German Honorary Consulate, Guayaquil Address / Info Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Av. Las Monjas 10 y C. J. Arosemena, Edificio Hamburgo, piso 2, Guayaquil (Postanschrift: Cónsul Honorario de la República Federal de Alemania, Av. Las Monjas 10 y C. J. Arosemena, Edificio Hamburgo, piso 2, Guayaquil, Ecuador.) Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Guayaquil) (00593 4) 2 20 03 16, 2 20 03 17 (Montag, Dienstag und Donnerstag 14:00-15:30 Uhr)
Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Guayaquil) (00593 4) 2 20 03 17
Email guayaquil@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Guayaquil Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Provinzen El Oro, Guayas, Los Rios, Manabi und Santa Elena. Leiterin: María Gloria Alarcón Alcívar (Honorarkonsulin).
Botschaften in Guayaquil Konsulate in Guayaquil
German Honorary Consulate, Cuenca | German Honorary Consulate, Cuenca Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Calle Larga 6-13 y Hermano Miguel, (Casa de la Escalinata) 010101 Cuenca, Ecuador. Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Cuenca) Mobil +593 998 35 33 51
Email cuenca@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Cuenca Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Thomas Klatte (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Provinzen Azuay, Cañar und Loja. Öffnungszeiten: Montag, Mittwoch und Freitag 8:30-12:00 Uhr
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Botschaften in Cuenca Konsulate in Cuenca
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador, Internet | Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador, Internet Address / Info Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ecuador Website www.cancilleria.gob.ec
Information -
Embassy Ecuador, Wien, Österreich | Embassy Ecuador, Wien, Österreich Address / Info Botschaft der Republik Ecuador, Goldschmiedgasse 10/205, 1010 Wien, Österreich / Austria Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy Ecuador, Wien, Österreich) (+43) (1) 535 32 08
Fax (Embassy Ecuador, Wien, Österreich) (+43) (1) 535 08 99
Email eecuaustria@cancilleria.gob.ec
Information about the Embassy Ecuador in Wien Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Zuständig für: Republik Österreich. Öffnungszeiten Mo-Fr 9-13 sowie 15-18 Uhr
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Botschaften in Wien Konsulate in Wien
Embassy Ecuador, Bern, Schweiz | Embassy Ecuador, Bern, Schweiz Address / Info Botschaft der Republik Ecuador, Kramgasse 54, 3011 Bern, Schweiz / Switzerland Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy Ecuador, Bern, Schweiz) (+41) (0) 31 351 6254, Konsularabteilung: (+41) (0) 31 351 1755
Email secretaria@embajadaecuador.ch
Website www.cancilleria.gob.ec/suiza/
Information about the Embassy Ecuador in Bern Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 9-13 sowie 15-17 Uhr
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Botschaften in Bern Konsulate in Bern
Austrian Consulate General in Quito - Ecuador | Austrian Consulate General in Quito - Ecuador Address / Info Honorargeneralkonsulat von Österreich, Site Center Torre 1 - Oficina 4, Calle del Establo, Sector Santa Lucia, Cumbayá alta, Quito, Ecuador Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Consulate General in Quito - Ecuador) (00593 2) 380 11 50
Fax (Austrian Consulate General in Quito - Ecuador) (00593 2) 24432 76
Email info@consulado-quito.at
Website www.consulado-quito.at
Information about the austrian Consulate in Quito Information with Offices times are without Warranty! ohne Passbefugnis, Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung (Montags, Mittwochs und Donnerstags von 10:00-12:00 Uhr. Konsularbezirke: Ecuador (jedoch mit Ausnahme der Provinzen Guayas, Manabi, Los Rios, El Oro, Loja und Cuenca).
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Botschaften in Quito Konsulate in Quito
Austrian Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil - Ecuador | Austrian Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil - Ecuador Address / Info Honorarkonsulat von Österreich, Avenida Jorge Pérez Concha 718 / Circunvalación Sur, Urdesa, Guayaquil, Ecuador Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil - Ecuador) (00593 4) 23848 86
Fax (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil - Ecuador) (00593 4) 23848 86
Email sotomay@gye.satnet.net
Information about the austrian Consulate in Guayaquil Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Ohne Passbefugnis, Sprechzeiten Di+Do 10-12 Uhr. Konsularbezirke: Provinzen Guayas, Manabi, Los Rios, El Oro, Loja, Azuay und Santa Elena
Botschaften in Guayaquil Konsulate in Guayaquil
Swiss Embassy in Quito - Ecuador | Swiss Embassy in Quito - Ecuador Address / Info Botschaft der Schweiz, Embajada de Suiza, Eloy Alfaro N34-194 y Catalina Aldaz, Edificio Corporativo 194, Piso 10, Quito, Ecuador Kurzinfo Telephone (Swiss Embassy in Quito - Ecuador) (00593 2) 294 25 00
Email quito@eda.admin.ch
Website www.eda.admin.ch/quito
Information about the swiss Embassy in Quito Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Sprechzeiten: Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr
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Botschaften in Quito Konsulate in Quito
Swiss Consulate General in Guayaquil - Ecuador | Swiss Consulate General in Guayaquil - Ecuador Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Schweiz, Consulado general de Suiza, Edificio Conauto, 5to piso, Avenida Juan Tanca Marengo, km 1.8 y Santiago Castillo (Diagonal a Dicentro), Guayaquil, Ecuador (Postanschrift: Consulado general de Suiza, Casilla M, Guayaquil, Ecuador ) Kurzinfo Telephone (Swiss Consulate General in Guayaquil - Ecuador) (00593 42) 68 19 00
Fax (Swiss Consulate General in Guayaquil - Ecuador) (00593 42) 68 19 97
Email guayaquil@honrep.ch
Information about the swiss Consulate in Ecuador -
Botschaften in Guayaquil Konsulate in Guayaquil
Tourist office Ecuador, Internet | Tourist office Ecuador, Internet Address / Info Ecuador Travel Information - Ecuador Ministry of Tourism Website ecuador.travel
Information -
Communities Ecuador, Internet | Communities Ecuador, Internet Address / Info Camara de Industrias y Produccio Website www.cip.org.ec
Information -
Study in ecuador Info, Internet | Study in ecuador Info, Internet Address / Info Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in Equador Website www.studyabroad.com/programs/s...
Information -
Newspapers in ecuador Info, Internet | Newspapers in ecuador Info, Internet Address / Info Umfangreiche englischsprachige Webseite zum Thema Zeitungen in Equador Website www.worldpress.org/newspapers/...
Information -
More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more): Embassy Egypt Embassy / Missions of Egypt in Bern, Genf, Wien, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada, Kairo Embassy El Salvador Embassy / Missions of El Salvador in San Salvador, Genf, Wien, Vösendorf, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kiel, München Embassy Equatorial Guinea Embassy / Missions of Equatorial Guinea in Berlin Embassy Eritrea Embassy / Missions of Eritrea in Berlin, Frankfurt, Asmara Embassy Estonia Embassy / Missions of Estonia in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Kiel, Ludwigsburg, München, Tallinn, Wellington Embassy Ethiopia Embassy / Missions of Ethiopia in Berlin, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Addis Abeba
More Information: Swiss Embassy in Quito - Ecuador more Swiss Consulate General in Guayaquil - Ecuador more Embassy Ecuador, Bern, Schweiz more Austrian Consulate General in Quito - Ecuador more Austrian Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil - Ecuador more Embassy Ecuador, Wien, Österreich more Embassy Ecuador, Berlin more Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Bremen more Consulate General Ecuador, Hamburg more Honorary Consulate Ecuador, Ludwigsburg more Honorary Consulate Ecuador, München more German Honorary Consulate, Guayaquil more German Honorary Consulate, Cuenca more
Info: Visa Ecuador, Consulates Ecuador, Embassies Ecuador, Discussion Board Ecuador.
Weitere Interessante Webseiten:
arbeitsagentur.de - Service-Portal der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Auswärtiges Amt
dwd.de - Webseite des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
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