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More Informations
Info Botswanian Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in Botswana
Agencies of this country in Germany:
Embassy: Berlin Honorary Consulate: Hamburg, Köln
German agencies in this Country: German Embassy: Gaborone German Honorary Consulate: Maun
Botswanian agencies in Austria: Honorary Consulate: Wien
Austrian agencies in Botswana: Austrian Honorary Consulate: Gaborone,
Botswanian agencies in Switzerland: Embassy: Genf
Swiss agencies in Botswana: Swiss Consulate: Gaborone,
Other Information: Study in botswana Info: Internet Newspapers in botswana Info: Internet
Honorary Consulate Botswana, Hamburg | Honorary Consulate Botswana, Hamburg Address / Info Honorarkonsul der Republik Botsuana, Steinhöft 5-7, 20459 Hamburg Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Botswana, Hamburg) (0 40) 7 32 61 91
Fax (Honorary Consulate Botswana, Hamburg) 0 40-7 32 85 06
Information about the Consulate Botswana in Hamburg Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Sprechzeit: Di u. Do 11-13, Honorarkonsul: Herr Paul Eckler (jr), Konsularbezirk: Länder Hamburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und, Schleswig-Holstein
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Hamburg Botschaften in Hamburg Konsulate in Hamburg
German Embassy, Gaborone | German Embassy, Gaborone Address / Info Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Queens Road 1079-1084, Gaborone (Main Mall). (Postanschrift: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 315, Gaborone, Botsuana.) Telephone (German Embassy, Gaborone) (00267) 3 95 31 43
Fax (German Embassy, Gaborone) (00267) 3 95 30 38
Email info@gaborone.diplo.de
Information about the german Embassy in Gaborone Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Botsuana. Leiterin: Margit Hellwig-Bötte (Botschafterin)
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Botschaften in Gaborone Konsulate in Gaborone
German Honorary Consulate, Maun | German Honorary Consulate, Maun Address / Info Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Okavango Air Rescue, Moeti Road Plot No. 448, Main Building, Maun, Botsuana (Postadresse: Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Okavango Air Rescue, P.O.Box 1966, Maun, Botsuana) Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Maun) (00267) 686 16 16
Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Maun) (00267) 686 16 60
Email maun@hk-diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Maun Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Ngamiland, Chobe District, Ghanzi District. Leiterin: Frau Dr. Michaela Kruck (Honorarkonsulin)
Botschaften in Maun Konsulate in Maun
Honorary Consulate Botswana, Wien, Österreich | Honorary Consulate Botswana, Wien, Österreich Address / Info Honorarkonsulat von Botswana, Linke Wienzeile 4, 1060 Wien, Austria / Österreich Kurzinfo Telephone (Honorary Consulate Botswana, Wien, Österreich) (+43) (1) 587 96 16
Fax (Honorary Consulate Botswana, Wien, Österreich) (+43) (1) 587 34 32
Email meixner@meixner.com
Information about the Consulate Botswana in Wien Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Zuständig für Österreich: Dr. Harald Meixner Sprechzeiten: Mo, Mi, Fr 9-13 Uhr
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Botschaften in Wien Konsulate in Wien
Embassy Botswana, Genf, Schweiz | Embassy Botswana, Genf, Schweiz Address / Info Botschaft von Botswana, 10 Allée David Morse, 1202 Genève Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy Botswana, Genf, Schweiz) (+41) (0) 22 906 10 60
Fax (Embassy Botswana, Genf, Schweiz) (+41) (0) 22 906 10 61
Website www.botswanamission.ch
Information about the Embassy Botswana in Genf -
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Botschaften in Genf Konsulate in Genf
Austrian Honorary Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana | Austrian Honorary Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana Address / Info Honorarkonsulat von Österreich, Plot 50667, Block B3, Fairground Holdings Park, Gaborone, Botsuana (Postadresse: P.O.Box 335, Gaborone, Botsuana) Kurzinfo Telephone (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana) (00267) 39 51 514, (00267) 39 52 638
Fax (Austrian Honorary Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana) (00267) 39 53 876
Information about the austrian Consulate in Gaborone Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Konsularbezirk. Botsuana. Öffnungszeiten Mo-Do 9-12 Uhr
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Botschaften in Gaborone Konsulate in Gaborone
Swiss Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana | Swiss Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana Address / Info Konsulat der Schweiz, Consulate of Switzerland, Bryte Risk Services Botswana, P. O. Box 1221, 7th Floor Building 2 (Fairscape Tower), Fairscape Precinct, Plot 70667, Gaborone, Botswana Kurzinfo Telephone (Swiss Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana) (00267) 715 434 91
Email gaborone@honrep.ch
Information about the swiss Consulate in Botswana -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Citymap
Botschaften in Gaborone Konsulate in Gaborone
Study in botswana Info, Internet | Study in botswana Info, Internet Address / Info Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in Botswana Website www.studyabroad.com/botswana.h...
Information -
Newspapers in botswana Info, Internet | Newspapers in botswana Info, Internet Address / Info Umfangreiche englischsprachige Webseite zum Thema Zeitungen in Botswana Website www.worldpress.org/newspapers/...
Information -
More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more): Embassy Bahamas Embassy / Missions of Bahamas in Nassau, Zürich, Chesterfield, Berlin, Kingston, Frankfurt Embassy Bahrain Embassy / Missions of Bahrain in Manama, Genf, Berlin Embassy Bangladesh Embassy / Missions of Bangladesh in Dhaka, Genf, Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Potsdam Embassy Barbados Embassy / Missions of Barbados in St. Thomas, Wien, Bridgetown, Brüssel, Leonberg, München, St. Michael Embassy Belgium Embassy / Missions of Belgium in Brüssel, Antwerpen, Bern, Genf, Basel, Lugano, Neuchâtel, Sankt-Gallen, Zürich, Eupen, Gent, Lüttich, Namur, Ostende, Wien, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Berlin, Köln, Aachen, Dresden, Duisburg, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, München, Stuttgart, De Haan, Hasselt, Schilde Embassy Belize Embassy / Missions of Belize in Kingston Embassy Benin Embassy / Missions of Benin in Cotonou, Genf, Wien, Berlin, München, Saarbrücken Embassy Buthan Embassy / Missions of Buthan in Genf, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Bonn, Alzenau Embassy Bolivia Embassy / Missions of Bolivia in La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Basel, Lausanne, Wien, Linz, Salzburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, München, Schlossborn, Sucre, Tarija Embassy Bosnia Herzegovina Embassy / Missions of Bosnia Herzegovina in Sarajewo, Bern, Banja Luka, Wien, Graz, Berlin, Bonn, München, Stuttgart Embassy Brasilia Embassy / Missions of Brasilia in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Joinville, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, Salvador, Bern, Zürich, Genf, Treze Tilias, Fortaleza/Ceará, Vitória, Wien, Linz, Innsbruck, Graz, Hard, Salzburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, München, Aachen, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, São Paulo, Belém, Blumenau, Cuiabá, Ribeirão Preto SP, Rolandia, Santos SP, Wiesbaden Embassy Brunei Embassy / Missions of Brunei in Bandar Seri Begawan, Berlin, Bandar seri begawan, Mörfelden Walldorf Embassy Bulgaria Embassy / Missions of Bulgaria in Sofia, Bern, Wien, Salzburg, Berlin, Hamburg, München, Frankfurt, Koblenz, Magdeburg, Stuttgart, Bonn, Warna Embassy Burkina Faso Embassy / Missions of Burkina Faso in Zürich, Wien, Innsbruck, St. Pölten, Berlin, Bad Malente, Hannover, Mainz, Potsdam, Ouagadougou Embassy Burundi Embassy / Missions of Burundi in Bujumbura, Genf, Berlin, Stuttgart
More Information: Embassy Botswana, Genf, Schweiz more Austrian Honorary Consulate in Gaborone - Botswana more Honorary Consulate Botswana, Wien, Österreich more Embassy Botswana, Berlin more Honorary Consulate Botswana, Hamburg more Honorary Consulate Botswana, Köln more German Honorary Consulate, Maun more
Info: Visa Botswana, Consulates Botswana, Embassies Botswana, Discussion Board Botswana.
Weitere Interessante Webseiten:
arbeitsagentur.de - Service-Portal der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Auswärtiges Amt
dwd.de - Webseite des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
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